Employee of the Month-January 2022: Joel Sharp
Meet Joel Sharp, SharpNet’s January 2022 Employee of the Month! It’s no coincidence that Joel’s last name appears in our company’s name. Joel is the son of our president and CEO, Chris Sharp, and CFO, Amie Sharp. Joel proved to be an integral part of SharpNet when he was a teenager working here during the summer months. Joel has been a sturdy fiber in the thread that binds and strengthens SharpNet for many years, and this recognition is long overdue. Joel has played an essential role in growing our SEO team, lending his in-depth knowledge, indispensable training, and amazing insight. With a natural gift and pinpoint instincts for SEO strategy, Joel is an invaluable member of our team and is appreciated beyond measure. Congratulations, Joel!
Here are some other fun facts about Joel!
Before working at SharpNet, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’d ever had?
J: SharpNet is the only real job I’ve had. Of the other odd jobs I’ve done, the craziest was working the concession stand at a basketball game in middle school.
How did you first learn about SharpNet?
J: My dad 🙂
How do you balance your career at SharpNet and your free time?
J: I don’t think I’m very good at balancing them, but I try to keep work at the office and not work from home too much.
How has SharpNet helped you in your career development?
J: I would not have any career really outside of SharpNet, and I’ve learned so much from my awesome co-workers. SharpNet has basically taught me almost everything I know about my career.
If you could pick one theme for SharpNet to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
J: A noir detective novel starring John as the grizzled lead detective and the rest of the team as supporting characters.
Any random facts you could share?
J: I’m a big fan of TTRPGs (tabletop role-playing games) and I ran a game at SharpNet at one point.
Are you messy or organized?
J: Messy for sure.
Best vacation you’ve been on?
J: I’ve been on a lot of wonderful ones, but I think my trip to Hawaii is probably the most memorable. Such a beautiful and relaxing trip.
If you could be any force of nature, what would it be?
J: Wind. Mostly because air bending seems dope.