Digital Marketing Jobs with SharpNet
Start your digital marketing career with SharpNet in Fort Collins.
Start Your Career
SharpNet is one of the most experienced US-based digital marketing companies. Founded in 1998, we’re older than Google. We specialize in SEO, PPC management, social media management, content marketing, and website design. Of course, we always need to sell what we do, so sales professionals may have a place here too. SharpNet is the classic example of a work-hard/play-hard company. We are very busy, but we laugh while we’re working. If you are a positive person, a go-getter, talented and are seeking a digital marketing job in Fort Collins, Colorado, we’d like to hear from you.
From time to time we have various digital marketing jobs come available. We are more interested in your capability than your degree and more interested in your work ethic than experience. SharpNet is a great place to learn valuable skills at a world-class level.
When new digital marketing jobs are announced, we average about 20 resumes within the first week. Don’t be discouraged to apply, but do bring your A-Game. Keep in mind that we appreciate Ambition, Leadership and Capability more than Experience, Education and Entitlement. So, you don’t have to be the most experienced person to work for us, your degree can deviate from what we do, and you may not even need a degree.
We offer some perks. Health insurance, very generous time-off policy, flexible work start and stop times, breaks, full kitchen, training, yearly bonus and a great work environment. If you feel that you could be a good fit with SharpNet, we’d like a resume and cover letter. Please email this information to Since we’re just getting to know each other, please don’t call about an employment opportunity at this time.
Best wishes to you during your pursuit for perfect employment.
-The SharpNet team
Available Fort Collins Digital Marketing Jobs
SharpNet currently has one position open for a Search Marketing specialist. Account management will also be required for both positions. This position is full-time. Benefits include a generous time-off policy, access to a subsidized group health insurance program and a positive, productive work environment. Position will be filled at either our Fort Collins, CO or Challis, ID offices.
Search Marketing Specialist & Account Manager
In addition to assisting with AdWords an SEO task fulfillment, you will play a critical roll as an account manager. You will need strong writing skills, comfort with the internet and websites, and the ability to work well with clients over the phone. Salary is based on experience and capability, and will range from $40,000 – $45,000 per year. Training is provided as we’re interested in capability more than direct experience. AdWords and SEO experience is not required but helpful. Background experience in web design, social media management, blogging/content or other digital marketing function will offset a lack of experience with AdWords and SEO. If you feel that you would enjoy this position and would like to apply, please Email today. Include a cover letter and resume catered to this position.