Update Existing Content for SEO

by | Jan 16, 2024 | SEO Marketing

How to Update Existing Content for SEO

To effectively update your website content for improved SEO, use a three-part strategy which includes optimizing high-performance pages for conversions, reviving low performers with targeted improvements for traffic, and merging redundant content to focus keyword signals and increase content depth.

With a staggering 4.6 billion new pieces of content uploaded daily (Semrush, 2023), standing out as a voice amidst the noise requires more than just fresh ink. Leading SEO experts are sounding the alarm: in this content-saturated climate, effectively optimizing and updating existing content holds equal, if not greater, weight than churning out new pieces.

What are the benefits of updating existing content rather than creating new content?

  1. Google’s Focus on Quality and Relevance:
    Google’s 2023 Core Web Vitals update prioritizes website performance and user experience, favoring optimized existing content over hastily created new pieces. Updating your existing content allows you to ensure it meets these evolving standards, keeping you in Google’s good graces. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and thin content. Search engines like Google prioritize authoritative, user-centric content that addresses search intent and provides clear value.
  2. Leveraging Established Links and Authority:
    Your existing content likely has accumulated valuable backlinks and domain authority. Backlinks remain a crucial ranking factor, and existing content often has established backlink profiles, giving it an SEO advantage over new content (Moz, 2023). Updating this content amplifies its existing authority. You can capitalize on their existing SEO equity and give them a boost in rankings, visibility, and organic traffic.
  3. Internal Keyword Competition Confuses Crawlers:
    You might be tempted to post competing pages targeting the same keywords and locations on your own website, but this is unlikely to improve performance. In fact, it could even hurt your overall SEO by confusing search engines and diluting your keyword signals. Search engines like Google prioritize unique content. When you flood your site with near-identical pages, crawlers struggle to determine which deserves ranking priority. This ambiguity dilutes your overall keyword signals, weakening your position for all versions of the content. Statistics bear this out: a recent study found that pages with high internal competition see an average 25% decrease in organic traffic (Semrush, 2023). And a 2022 Moz survey showed that 72% of SEO professionals have experienced website ranking drops due to internal content duplication. It’s better to have one optimized page ranking well than two mediocre pages cannibalizing each other’s traffic.

Updating for Success: A Three-Pronged Approach

Updating your existing website content effectively requires a strategic approach, targeting both traffic and conversions. Here’s a three-pronged strategy to ensure you optimize for success, focusing on low-performing pages, high-performing pages, and redundant pages:

1. Optimize Lagging Pages for Traffic and User Engagement:

  • Identify underperforming pages: Find webpages you’ve built and optimized that aren’t getting traffic, analyze the existing page and ask yourself, is the content outdated, poorly structured, hard to read, or lacking valuable information?
  • Improve the value proposition: Clearly communicate the “why” of your content. Why should users choose your page over others for this keyword?
  • Update information: Ensure data and statistics are current and relevant. Offer fresh insights and new perspectives.
  • Optimize for user intent: Understand what users seek when searching for your target keyword. Tailor your content to address their specific needs and answer their questions.
  • Break down text: Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points for easy scanning and engagement.
  • Incorporate multimedia: Add images, videos, infographics, or other visuals to break up text and enhance user experience.
  • Internal linking: Link to relevant pages on your website to improve user flow and website authority.

2. Turn Top Content into Lead Magnets and Drive Conversions:

  • Identify top performing pages: Analyze website data to find your most popular content with high traffic, long average time on page, and low bounce rates.
  • Create lead magnets from top content: Repurpose content into downloadable formats like eBooks, checklists, or templates. Offer exclusive content not available elsewhere on your site.
  • Promote lead magnets strategically: Place opt-in forms and calls to action within high-traffic content, sidebars, or footers. Use compelling language that highlights the benefits.
  • Drive traffic to high-converting pages: Link to conversion pages within top content and lead magnets. Consider contextual links based on user behavior and interests.
  • Optimize conversion pages: Minimize distractions and focus on the desired outcome. Clearly communicate the value proposition and benefits of taking action. Use compelling headlines, visuals, and strong calls to action. Landing pages with strong calls to action (CTAs) can convert up to 27% of visitors (Crazy Egg, 2023). Implementing CTAs in updated content can directly boost lead generation and sales.

3. Consolidate Content to Conquer Keyword Cannibalism:

  • Identify the suspects: Scour your website for pages with overlapping themes, keywords, and search intent. Look for near-identical product descriptions, blog posts on similar topics, or “skinny” regional pages mimicking main content.
  • Assess the contenders: Analyze which pages perform better in terms of traffic, engagement, and conversions. Consider factors like backlinks, social shares, and time on page. But don’t just discard lower-performing content; evaluate its strengths and potential.
  • Merge and conquer: Create a single, comprehensive page that retains the best elements of each contender. Combine unique insights, valuable information, and compelling narratives to create a powerhouse of content. Optimize the merged page for the target keywords, address user intent with clarity, and don’t forget internal linking to maintain website flow.
  • Redirect the stragglers: Don’t leave orphaned pages lurking in the shadows. Implement 301 redirects to guide abandoned URLs and their precious link juice to the newly consolidated champion. This ensures search engines recognize the merged page as the definitive source of information.
  • Amplify the champion: Promote your consolidated page through social media, email campaigns, and internal linking. Update any backlinks pointing to the old URLs to direct them to the new powerhouse.

By smartly updating and optimizing existing content, you can not only improve your ranking and visibility but also convert traffic into valuable leads and boost your bottom line. Remember, in the SEO game, sometimes the wisest move is to build on what you already have, giving your existing content a new lease on life and a path to greater impact.

Actionable Takeaways

  • Revive low-traffic pages: Uncover weaknesses in underperforming pages, refine content relevance, improve clarity and structure, and strengthen internal links.
  • Transform high-traffic pages into lead generators: Repurpose high-traffic content into downloadable assets, strategically place opt-in forms and CTAs, link to high-converting pages, and optimize for conversions.
  • Consolidate and Optimize: Instead of internal competition, focus on merging duplicate pages into a single, high-quality piece of content. Optimize this consolidated page for your target keywords and user intent, ensuring it comprehensively addresses their needs.
  • Internal Linking Strategy: Leverage smart internal linking to guide users and search engines across relevant, unique content on your website. This strengthens your overall site structure and boosts the reach of valuable pages.
  • Freshness is Key: Regularly update existing content with fresh information, insights, and multimedia to maintain its relevance and keep search engines interested. A 2023 HubSpot study found that updated content can see a 30% increase in organic traffic compared to static pages.

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